Respuesta :


-The current situation of the municipality (diagnosis).

The diagnosis allows to know the real situation of the municipality, the limitations for the development and provides elements for decision making. For its elaboration it is of fundamental importance to have reliable and up-to-date information.

-The definition of policies.

The definition of policies allows to consolidate the thought that should guide the consolidation of a fact and should be related to generally intersectoral management

-The solutions.

From the diagnosis and connoisseurs of social, economic, environmental thought, etc. The solutions stage is consolidated, in which the possible action scenarios appear

-Formulation of the Strategy, Programs and Subprograms.

The general part of the plan has its most important part in the formulation of the strategies and the disaggregation of these into programs and sub-programs. This part allows us to find where the municipality should go in its integral development and in its organization.


It consists of putting into practice the actions proposed in the plan and taking them to specific projects. Implementation presupposes administration, programming and joint actions between diverse actors.

-Multiannual Investment Plan.

Phase in which the plan is articulated with the budget.

-Monitoring, Evaluation and Review.

As the phase in which control, verification, review,the impacts and results on sectors and/or communities of the intended purposes in which the government, the private sector and the communities are committed


These are some I hope and serve you nice afternoon