
Escribe el verbo entre paréntesis en "presente perfecto" o present perfecto continuos" según corresponda y traduce:

1) This evening l ________ two letters to my parents ( to edite)

2) My daughter______letters to her friends for hours ( to write)

3) This morning l _____breakfast for my wife ( to prepare )

4) Today lucy_____her boyfriend three times ( to phone )

5) My friends_____ around Italy for five months ( to travel )

6) I _____to music all evening ( to listen )

7) I ______ English since i was a Child ( to learn )

8) We are comING from the beach where my kids _______a sandcastle ( to make )

9) Why are you so dirty? l_____ in the garden ( to Work )

10) I_____to Málaga for three days with my in-laws ( to be )

11) I______my homework. Now i am going to rest ( to finish )

12) My Brother ______ TV for three hours ( To watch)

13) John _______ since 3 o'clock ( to watch)

14) The fatal accident just _____. The police haven't arrives Yet ( to happen)

15) ______ my watch? i have just lost it ( to ser)

16) Emma Is rery tired; she ____all day ( to Work )

17) My son_____ two Pagés so far ( to translate)

18) What weather! it_____since Yesterday ( to rain )

19) This week my team_____one march ( to win)

20) Today I _____ my room ( to paint)

21) My kids_____ at the beach all morning ( to play)

22) I______in this town since last february ( to love)

23) The police ______the murderer ( to arrest )

24) What has happened to the neigbours? They______for hours ( to shout).​​

Respuesta :

La he puesto así porque dice que tiene palabras ofensivas, debes arreglar la número 15

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Ver imagen ashlie7004