Realiza oraciones que muestren de ejemplos los conectores:Make sentences that show the connectors as examples:

in my opinion
My point of view
in adittion
on the contrury
to sum up
on the oter hand

Ayudaa xfa​

Respuesta :


in my opinion strawberry flavor is better than vanilla flavour

you can speak your mind as much as you wish, but from my point of view maths are objectively harder

in addition to the accident we will be punished

the new pupil inst only fit but also smart

penguins tend to be aggressive to others moreover that, these species are very naive

covid cases have been rapidly increasing although this doesn't seem to be of great to concern to citizens

global warming is beneficial ,but on the contrary, since we are speeding up the process it is becoming harmful

I believe sports are something to be done as a routine per day, however, it's thought to be very tiring by younger people

if we were to buy this, we would run out of money nevertheless it is worth it

forest fires are very harmful to the living ecosistem

so ,in conclusion, forest fires could be the end of many species

I have been paying my loan but to sum up things I'll be working harder

it's true that studies can be difficult but on the other hand they will help you in a near future

you say that cats are cuter, but I think horses are better