find the mistake

. i want go yo the party
. it's important not to be late
. i'm planning take a vacation next month
. don't forget turno off all the lights ​

Respuesta :

I want to go to the party

. it is important not to be late

. I am planning to take a vacation next month

. don't forget to turn off all the lights

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Answer: I want to go to the party.

Translation: Yo quiero ir a la fiesta.

Answer: It is important not to be late.

Translation: Es importante no llegar tarde.

Answer: I am planning to take a vacation next month.

Translation: Estoy planeando tomar vacaciones el mes que viene.

Answer: Don't forget to turn off all the lights.

Translation: No olvides apagar todas las luces.


En inglés, como en castellano las oraciones comienzan con mayúscula.

Después de los verbos want, plan y forget hay que usar el infinitivo "con to"

- want to go

- planning to take

- forget to turn off

Michael Spymore