3 Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

will - won't

a. Lucky Larry ...... win the lottery, and he .... have to work.

b. Generous George ...... have any money, but he ...... help a lot of people.

c. Sociable Sandra ...... have lots of friends, but she ...... have any free time.​

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Answer a: Lucky Larry will win the lottery, and he won't have to work.

Translation a: El afortunado Larry ganará la lotería y no tendrá que trabajar.

Answer b: Generous George won't have any money, but he will help a lot of people.

Translation b: El generoso George no tendrá dinero, pero ayudará a mucha gente.

Answer c: Sociable Sandra will have lots of friends, but she won't have any free time.​

Translation c: La sociable Sandra tendrá muchos amigos pero no tendrá tiempo libre.

Michael Spymore