1. Sarah
(send) messages right now.

2. We
(have) dinner now.

3. She usually
(drive) to school.

4. I
(not like) English lessons.

she often
(get) good marks in English?

4. Completa con la preposición adecuada:

1. My father never works

2. Susan is not here. She must be

3. Madrid is very far
New York.

4. She is good

5. My brother usually visits us

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Answer 1: Sarah is sending messages right now.

Translation 1: Sarah está enviando mensajes en este momento.

Answer 2: We are having dinner now.

Translation 2: Nosotros estamos cenando ahora.

Answer 3: She usually drives to school.

Translation 3: Ella suele conducir hasta la escuela.

Answer 4: I don't like English lessons.

Translation 4: No me gustan las lecciones de inglés.

Answer 5: Does she often get good marks in English?

Translation 5: ¿A menudo saca ella buenas notas en inglés?

4. Completa con la preposición adecuada:

Answer 1: My father never works on Sundays.

Translation 1: Mi padre nunca trabaja los domingos.

Answer 2: Susan is not here. She must be at home.

Translation 2: Susan no está aquí. Ella debe estar en casa.

Answer 3: Madrid is very far from New York.

Translation 3: Madrid está muy lejos de Nueva York.

Answer 4: She is good at maths.

Translation 4: Ella es buena en matemáticas.

Answer 5: My brother usually visits us in summer.

Translation 5: Mi hermano suele visitarnos en verano.

Michael Spymore