Respuesta :



5 verbos en inglés con adverbios y adjetivos:

1. Caminar (Walk):


Quickly: She walks quickly to the store. (Ella camina rápido a la tienda.)

Slowly: The old man walks slowly down the street. (El anciano camina lentamente por la calle.)


Fast: He is a fast walker. (Él es un caminante rápido.)

Careful: She is a careful walker. (Ella es una caminante cuidadosa.)

2. Hablar (Talk):


Loudly: He talks loudly on the phone. (Él habla alto por teléfono.)

Softly: She talks softly to her baby. (Ella le habla bajito a su bebé.)


Loud: He is a loud talker. (Él es un hablador alto.)

Quiet: She is a quiet talker. (Ella es una habladora tranquila.)

3. Comer (Eat):


Quickly: He eats quickly before work. (Él come rápido antes del trabajo.)

Slowly: She eats slowly to enjoy her meal. (Ella come despacio para disfrutar su comida.)


Fast: He is a fast eater. (Él es un comedor rápido.)

Picky: She is a picky eater. (Ella es una comedora quisquillosa.)

4. Leer (Read):


Quickly: He reads quickly through the book. (Él lee rápido el libro.)

Carefully: She reads carefully to understand the text. (Ella lee cuidadosamente para entender el texto.)


Fast: He is a fast reader. (Él es un lector rápido.)

Attentive: She is an attentive reader. (Ella es una lectora atenta.)

5. Escribir (Write):


Neatly: He writes neatly in his notebook. (Él escribe cuidadosamente en su cuaderno.)

Quickly: She writes quickly to finish her assignment. (Ella escribe rápido para terminar su tarea.)


Neat: He is a neat writer. (Él es un escritor ordenado.)

Creative: She is a creative writer. (Ella es una escritora creativa.)