Respuesta :


Por supuesto, aquí tienes cinco reglas para el aula en inglés:

1. **Be respectful:** This rule emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness, consideration, and politeness. It includes listening to others when they speak, refraining from interrupting, and using polite language and gestures.

2. **Follow directions:** This rule encourages students to pay attention to instructions given by the teacher or other authority figures in the classroom. It emphasizes the importance of obedience and cooperation in maintaining a productive learning environment.

3. **Raise your hand:** This rule reminds students to raise their hand and wait to be called on before speaking or asking a question. It helps to maintain order and prevent disruptions during lessons by ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

4. **Stay on task:** This rule encourages students to remain focused on their work and to avoid distractions that may interfere with their learning or the learning of others. It emphasizes the importance of staying engaged and making the most of instructional time.

5. **Keep the classroom clean:** This rule reminds students to take care of their environment by cleaning up after themselves, properly disposing of trash, and respecting classroom materials and equipment. It promotes a sense of responsibility and pride in the classroom space.

These rules provide a framework for creating a positive and productive learning environment where students can thrive academically and socially.