9. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more tan three words. 1. They haven’t finished exploring the cave yet. They are still exploring the cave. 2. The festival started three days ago and it’s still going on. The festival _________________________________ on for three days. 3. We can’t leave yet because it’s still snowing. It ______________________________ snowing yet so we can’t leave. 4. What are your favourite holiday activities? What ____________________________ like doing on holiday? 5. Olive rarely stays in expensive hotels. Olive __________________________ in expensive hotels very often.

Respuesta :


  1. The festival has been going on for three days.
  2. It is still snowing.
  3. What do you like?
  4. doesn't stay


  • The festival has been on for three days.
  • It is still snowing yet so we can’t leave.
  • What do you like doing on holiday?
  • Olive doesn't stay in expensive hotels very often.

Espero mi respuesta te ayude ^^