Send Chat Attach Address Dear Maysa. New MassMM A Fonts Colours Save As Draft I have had a very busy day. I've tidied my bedroom. It was untidu! I've finished my homework. I had English and Science homework. English is my favourite subject at school. I've helped my mum. My mum wonted to make lunch for my aunt and uncle. We ate chicken and rice. It was very nice. I've talked to my friend on the telephone, too. We will play volleyball together tomorrow. I haven't visited my grandparents. I'm going to see them tomorrow morning. I haven't watched television. I'm going to watch a film this evening. See you soon. Mayo Have you tidied your bedroom? 1 Have you tidied your bedroom? 2 Have you watched a film? 3 Have you helped your mum? 4 Have you visited your grandparents? 2)Look, read, put tick() or cross (). 1) I've tidied my bedroom. 2) I've finished my homework. 3) I've watered the plants. 4) I've closed my bedroom window. 5) I've finished the email to my cousin. 6) I've prepared a sandwich. Look and write using haven't +p.p. or hasn't+p.p. 1) I 2) He Yes, I have. Yes, I have. You THI

Ayudaaaa ​

Send Chat Attach Address Dear Maysa New MassMM A Fonts Colours Save As Draft I have had a very busy day Ive tidied my bedroom It was untidu Ive finished my home class=

Respuesta :


Hola Mayo! Parece que has tenido un día muy ocupado. Me alegra escuchar que has podido hacer muchas cosas.

Respondiendo a tus preguntas:

1. Sí, he ordenado mi habitación.

2. No, no he visto una película todavía.

3. Sí, he ayudado a mi mamá.

4. No, no he visitado a mis abuelos todavía.

Ahora, echemos un vistazo a las actividades que mencionaste en tu mensaje:

1. He ordenado mi habitación. ✔️

2. He terminado mi tarea. ✔️

3. He regado las plantas. ❌

4. He cerrado la ventana de mi habitación. ❌

5. He terminado el correo electrónico a mi primo/a. ❌

6. He preparado un sándwich. ❌

Y ahora, completando la frase con "haven't + p.p." o "hasn't + p.p.":

1. I haven't watered the plants. (No he regado las plantas)

2. He hasn't prepared a sandwich. (Él no ha preparado un sándwich)

Espero que esto responda tus preguntas. ¿Hay algo más en lo que pueda ayudarte?


espero te ayude

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