
Choose the correct options to complete the text. If both are possible, choose the third option. I have exciting plans for this summer. I’m planning------------- 1 to Italy because I love.-------------- 2 their language. In fact, I want 3--------------------- more about Italy’s culture, so I intend 4-------------- with an Italian friend, Rita. We’re planning 5-------------- around because there are parts of her country Rita wants 6-------------- . She doesn’t like 7 -----------around cities very much so I may need 8............ Rome on my own.

1 to go going to go / going

2 to speak speaking to speak / speaking

3 to learn learning to learn / learning

4 to stay staying to stay / staying

5 to travel traveling to travel / traveling

6 to see seeing to see / seeing

7 to walk walking to walk / walking

8 to visit visiting to visit / visiting}