The tadpoles of a species of toads have different feeding patterns: the largest are carnivorous predators, the smallest are omnivorous and feed on abundant organic matter rocks, while the medium-sized ones can consume both types of food. What's the evolutionary trend of this toad? What's this evolutionary pattern called?

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This evolutionary pattern is called **niche partitioning**. It occurs when a single species evolves into several morphologically or behaviorally distinctive guilds that exploit different resources or ecological niches. The different feeding patterns among the tadpoles of this toad species represent an example of niche partitioning.

As for the evolutionary trend, it is difficult to say for sure without knowing more information about the species and its characteristics. However, one possible explanation could be that the evolution of the toad species may be influenced by the availability of resources in their environment. The medium-sized tadpoles may have evolved the ability to consume both types of food in order to be better adapted to their environment and increase their chances of survival.
