doy 5 estrellas y 50 puntos y doy corona

ordenar las palabras

1) a bird / my breakfast / flew / habing / i into / the witchen / was / while

2) at / her bag / bus stop / a man / she / standing / stole / the / was / when

3) engine trouble / flying / over / the sea / started / the / the plane / was / when

4) saw / shark / swimming / the / the island / to we / we / were / when

5) geting / i / i / into / found / snake / my tent / a / was / while

6) the beach / they / a strange bird / were / saw / while / along / walking / they​

Respuesta :


  1. While I was having my breakfast, a bird flew into the kitchen.
  2. When she was at the bus stop, a man stole her bag.
  3. The plane started flying over the sea when the engine trouble started.
  4. We saw a shark swimming to the island when we were on it.
  5. While I was getting into my tent, I found a snake.
  6. While they were walking along the beach, they saw a strange bird.

Espero mi respuesta te ayude ^^