
what Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words. 1 It wasn't cold, so we didn't light a fire. If it ..... cold, we'd have lit a fire. 2 John didn't come, so we didn't do any painting. If John we'd have done some painting. 3 Claire didn't buy any clothes because she didn't see anything she liked. Claire ....... some clothes if she'd seen something she liked. 4 The audience laughed because the joke was very funny. If the joke 5 We decided to leave because it was really noisy. We very funny, the audience wouldn't have laughed. to leave if it hadn't been really noisy.​

Respuesta :


1. If it had been cold, we'd have lit a fire.

2. If John had come, we'd have done some painting.

3. Claire would have bought some clothes if she'd seen something she liked.

4. If the joke hadn't been very funny, the audience wouldn't have laughed.

5. We wouldn't have decided to leave if it hadn't been really noisy.


1. If it had been cold, we'd have lit a fire.

2. If John had come, we'd have done some painting.

3. Claire would have bought some clothes if she'd seen something she liked.

4. If the joke hadn't been very funny, the audience wouldn't have laughed.

5. We wouldn't have decided to leave if it hadn't been really noisy.