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Here are some important inventions along with their inventors and dates of invention:

1. Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell - 1876

2. Light Bulb - Thomas Edison - 1879

3. Airplane - Wright Brothers (Wilbur and Orville Wright) - 1903

4. Penicillin - Alexander Fleming - 1928

5. Computer - Charles Babbage - 1837 (conceptualized), Alan Turing - 1936 (modern computer concept)

6. Internet - Tim Berners-Lee - 1989 (World Wide Web)

7. Automobile - Karl Benz - 1885

8. Radio - Guglielmo Marconi - 1895

9. Vaccination - Edward Jenner - 1796 (smallpox vaccine)

10. Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg - 1440

These inventions have had a significant positive impact on society, technology, communication, healthcare, and various other fields.

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