Correct the error in each sentence. 1. Our exam results will are 2. The car is published next week. being driven by his father when the accident happen 3. Their new website is be built this week. bought online from tomorrow. by everybody these days! been given an award for his art. 4. Tickets can to be 5. Emojis are using 6. Danny was 7. This photo was took by my brother. 8. I think an announcement is going be made soon. 9. The message is been sent to all the students. 10. Camila's computer needs to being upgraded.​

Respuesta :


1. Our exam results are.

2. The car is being driven by his father when the accident happened.

3. Their new website is being built this week.

4. Tickets can be.

5. Emojis are used by everybody these days!

6. Danny was...

7. This photo was taken by my brother.

8. I think an announcement is going to be made soon.

9. The message is being sent to all the students.

10. Camila's computer needs to be upgraded.


espero te sirva y apruebes la materia :)))))))))


Our exam results are will.

The car is being driven by his father when the accident happened.

Their new website is being built bought online from tomorrow by everybody these days!

Tickets can to be.

Emojis are used.

Danny was.

This photo was taken by my brother.

I think an announcement is going to be made soon.

The message is being sent to all the students.

Camila's computer needs to be upgraded.
