1) Mom thinks you (should, shall) clean your room.
2) Trains (shall, should) go faster.
3) This weekend (should, shall) be the best weekend ever!
4) I (should, shall) be a writer when I get older.
5) Police (shan’t, shouldn’t) be allowed to drive so fast.
6) Our team (should, shall) have tried harder.
7) After you are finished washing my car, you (shall, should) get me something to
8) (Shall, Should) we be ready by ten?
9) If we want to make money, we (should, shall) get a job.
10) The world (should, shall) be peaceful.

Respuesta :


1) should

2) should

3) should

4) shall

5) shouldn't

6) should

7) shall

8) Shall

9) should

10) shall


deja tu coronita :)


1) Mom thinks you should clean your room.

2) Trains should go faster.

3) This weekend should be the best weekend ever!

4) I shall be a writer when I get older.

5) Police shouldn’t be allowed to drive so fast.

6) Our team should have tried harder.

7) After you are finished washing my car, you should get me something to eat.

8) Shall we be ready by ten?

9) If we want to make money, we should get a job.

10) The world should be peaceful.


espero te allá sido útil mi respuesta y puedas aprobar tu materia :)))))))))

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