omparative and superlative adjectiv comparativo y superlativo del adjetivo 1. Tall 2. Easy 3. Casual 4. Large 5. Interesting 6. Handsome 7. Bad 8. Expensive 9. Heavy 10.Thin 11. Warm 12. Nice​

Respuesta :



1. taller

2. easier

3. more casual

4. larger

5. more interesting

6. more handsome

7. worse

8. more expensive

9. heavier

10. thinner

11. warmer

12. nicer


1. the tallest

2. the easiest

3. the most casual

4. the largest

5. the most interesting

6. the most handsome

7. the worst

8. the most expensive

9. the heaviest

10. the thinnest

11. the warmest

12. the nicest

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