1.- Read through the text and answer the following questions. Facebook Do you use any of the social networking websites which are so popular these days, the places where you can connect up with friends and relatives and meet people who share the same interests as you? If you're younger you may use MySpace, young adults are more likely to be found on Facebook and busy professionals may prefer something like LinkedIn. But at least two of these sites have one thing in common: apart from being social spaces where you can meet and chat to people, share photos and other things, they've all added new verbs and nouns to the language in the past couple of years. Let's take a look at some examples. You can facebook your holiday photos (upload them to your Facebook page), facebook someone to see who they are (look him up in Facebook), facebook someone about a party (contact someone through their Facebook page) and ask permission to facebook someone (add them as a Facebook friend). As you can see, 'facebook' is a pretty versatile word, and you could say the same about 'myspace', which you will find being used in much the same way all over the Net. LinkedIn (being a more adult, professional community) has not been used in the same way. While you're 'facebooking' or 'myspacing' you may also find yourself 'commenting' (writing a comment on someone's Facebook or MySpace page), as in this example: 'I commented Mary that she should come to the pub on Saturday and she commented me that she couldn't because she was going away for the weekend'. Questions 1. What social networking websites do you use, if any? 2.- When did you first start using social networking websites? 3.- Where do you typically connect with friends and relatives online? 4.- Why do you think certain age groups prefer specific social networking platforms? 5.- Who introduced you to the social networking platforms you use? 6.- What kind of activities do you typically engage in on social networking websites? 7.- When was the last time you learned a new verb or noun from a social networking platform? 8.- Where have you encountered the use of the term "facebook" or "myspace" outside of their respective platforms? 9.- What are some differences you've noticed between the way LinkedIn is used compared to other social networking sites? 10.- Who do you usually communicate with through commenting on social networking platforms? ayuda ​

1 Read through the text and answer the following questions Facebook Do you use any of the social networking websites which are so popular these days the places class=

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Based on the text you provided, I can't answer the questions about your personal social networking habits as the text is an instruction manual about social networking websites.

The passage talks about how social media platforms like Facebook and MySpace have introduced new verbs like "facebook" and "myspace" to describe actions on those platforms. It also mentions that LinkedIn, a more professional platform, is used differently.

Here are some answers to the questions based on the text:

1. What social networking websites do you use, if any? (Not possible to answer from the text)

2. When did you first start using social networking websites? (Not possible to answer from the text)

3. Where do you typically connect with friends and relatives online? (Not possible to answer from the text)

4. Why do you think certain age groups prefer specific social networking platforms?

The text suggests that younger people use MySpace, while young adults prefer Facebook. Busy professionals may use LinkedIn.

5. Who introduced you to the social networking platforms you use? (Not possible to answer from the text)

6. What kind of activities do you typically engage in on social networking websites? (Not possible to answer from the text)

7. When was the last time you learned a new verb or noun from a social networking platform? (Not possible to answer from the text)

8. Where have you encountered the use of the term "facebook" or "myspace" outside of their respective platforms?

The text says that you might encounter these terms used outside their respective platforms but doesn't specify where.

9. What are some differences you've noticed between the way LinkedIn is used compared to other social networking sites?

The text mentions that LinkedIn is used in a more professional way than Facebook or MySpace.

10. Who do you usually communicate with through commenting on social networking platforms?

The text suggests that you can comment on other people's posts to communicate with them on social networking platforms.