II. Complete the singular or plural forms in exercise 1. o Grammar Nouns Regular forms Singular a book Plural books a toothbrush toothbrushes diaries a diary Spelling Add s. Add es after ch, sh, s, x. Addies after a consonant+y Irregular forms Singular Plural a person a child a man a woman people children men women​

Respuesta :


Here are the completed singular and plural forms for the nouns listed:

Grammar Nouns Regular forms

Singular: a book

Plural: books

Singular: a toothbrush

Plural: toothbrushes

Singular: a diary

Plural: diaries


Add s.

Add es after ch, sh, s, x.

Add ies after a consonant+y

Irregular forms

Singular: a person

Plural: people

Singular: a child

Plural: children

Singular: a man

Plural: men

Singular: a woman

Plural: women

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