B) Hay 27 verbos, escoge solo 6 y escribe un total de 6 oraciones en past simple, 2 deben ser oraciones afirmativas, 2 negativas y 2 interrogativas o pregunta. (Cada oración debe usar un verbo diferente y complementos diferentes.) NO son 6 oraciones con cada verbo, son solo 6 en total. WRITE --- SEE --- WORK --- STUDY --- BUY --- READ. --- SLEEP GIVE - - WIN I CLEAN --- PAY --- TALK --- GO --- DANCE --- WALK --- HELP --- CRY --- ENJOY I --- LOVE -- BRUSH - TAKE HAVE --- JUMP --- SAY --- MAKE --- CUT --- BREAK​

Respuesta :


I'm going to go to the park

I'm not going to go to the park

I boy have to go to the park?

she studies for her exam

she doesn't study for her exam

Does she study for her exam?