Respuesta :



Claro, aquí tienes una conversación simple entre dos personas en inglés:

Person 1: Hi, how are you today?

Person 2: Hi, I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?

Person 1: I'm good, thanks for asking. Did you have a good weekend?

Person 2: Yes, I did. I went hiking with some friends. It was really fun.

Person 1: That sounds great. I stayed home and watched movies. Do you have any plans for this week?

Person 2: Not really, just work and maybe going to the gym. What about you?

Person 1: I have a few meetings at work, but other than that, nothing special. Oh, and I'm planning to try out a new recipe for dinner tonight.

Person 2: That sounds delicious. Let me know how it turns out!

Person 1: Will do. Well, I have to get going now. Talk to you later!

Person 2: Sure, talk to you later. Have a great day!

Respuesta: A: Hi Liam, how are you?

B: Hi Ana, I´m fine thanks.
