Letter of Complaint 1 - Copy and complete with these phrases
A) As a direct result of this
B) Unfortunately
C) First of all
D) Yours faithfully
E) I will consider legal action against your company
G) I expect, at the very least
H) I am writing to you with reference to
Dear Sir or Madam,
_the flight I took with your company on the 12th
of May, from Buenos Aires to Miami.
.., I am a member of your Executive Club, se I had reserved my seat
two months in advance. However, when I arrived at the airport I was told that my seat had not been reserved and that no other seats were available. The stewardess was very unprofessional and rude and suggested that I had never made my reservation.
-, after speaking to the head of ground staff, I was finally given a boarding pass.
-, when I boarded the plane I realised that it was in the
smoking section. I am allergic to cigarrette smoke, and as the plane was full, I had to suffer all the way to Miami.
I was ill for the first three days of my holiday, and as I
was only there for a week, felt that the whole trip was a waste of time.
.. a partial refund for the unpleasantness, inconvenience
and discomfort that I suffered. If I do not receive a satisfactory reply by return of post, I will consider legal action against your company...

Respuesta :


H, C, A, B, G, D.


La opcion E ya esta escrita al final (I will consider legal action against your company) entonces por eso no la conté.

la D va justo al final del todo. despues de la E.

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