Respuesta :


Here are the completed exercises based on your description:

### Nice to meet you! Complete the conversations.

#### Conversation 1

- A: Hello. My name's Tom. What's **your** name?

- B: **My** name's Maria.

- A: Where **are** you from, Maria?

- B1: I'm from Brazil.

- A: Oh! Where in Brazil **are** you from?

- B: From Rio de Janeiro.

- A: Ah, Rio **is** beautiful! Well, nice to meet you, Maria.

- B: Thank you. Nice to meet you, too.

#### Conversation 2

- A: Hello! What's **your** first name?

- B: **My** first name's Cathy.

- A: And what's **your** last name?

- B: Jenkins.

- A: How do you spell that!

- B: J-E-N-K-I-N-S.

- A: And where **are** you from, Cathy?

- B: I'm from Los Angeles. **I'm** American.

- A: Thank you very much.

### Countries and nationalities

1. He's from the United States. He's American.

2. I'm from England. I'm **English**.

3. I'm from Brazil. I'm **Brazilian**.

4. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm **Saudi Arabian**.

5. I'm from Korea. I'm **Korean**.

6. I'm from Peru. I'm **Peruvian**.

7. I'm from Mexico. I'm **Mexican**.

These completions fill in the missing words appropriately for both exercises, maintaining the correct grammatical structures.