Respuesta :



The sentence structure indicates that the missing word should be a name, likely the speaker's name. The correct choice is "I'm Steve."

The word "Hi" at the beginning of the sentence suggests a greeting, which is followed by the speaker introducing themselves.

2. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should be possessive pronouns followed by a noun. The correct choice is "These are my."

The context suggests that the speaker is introducing something they own, which are CDs.

3. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the speaker's apartment. The correct choice is "small but comfortable."

The description of the apartment being small but comfortable gives insight into its size and quality.

4. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the pets. The correct choice is "They're wonderful."

The use of "They're" suggests a plural noun is being described positively.

5. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the pets. The correct choice is "Pam and Kip."

The names "Pam and Kip" are likely the pets mentioned earlier in the text.

6. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the guitar. The correct choice is "eight years old."

The phrase "eight years old" provides information about the age of the guitar.

7. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the parents. The correct choice is "are my parents."

The verb "are" indicates a plural subject, which fits with the context of parents being mentioned.

8. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the speaker's feelings. The correct choice is "happy here."

The phrase "happy here" expresses contentment with the current living situation.

9. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the family members. The correct choice is "This is my sister Jessica."

The phrase "This is my sister Jessica" introduces the speaker's sister.

10. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the apartment. The correct choice is "I have a great."

The phrase "I have a great" suggests a positive attribute about the apartment.

11. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing words should describe the sister and children. The correct choice is "husband and children."

The phrase "husband and children" introduces the family members related to the sister.

12. Rationales:

The sentence structure indicates that the missing word should be a number. The correct choice is "10."

The number "10" likely refers to something specific related to the speaker's possessions.



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