Respuesta :


Reported Speech Exercise 1:

1. John said that he was going to the market.

2. The students said that they had finished their homework.

3. She asked if I would join them for dinner.

4. He told her that he couldn't drive her to the airport the next day.

5. The hiker said that he had seen a strange animal in the forest.

6. Tom told me that he would help me with my project.

7. She told me that she didn't like spicy food.

8. He said that he hadn't heard the doorbell.

9. Anna said that she would be moving to a new city the following month.

10. The delegates said that they wouldn't be able to attend the meeting.

11. The patient told the doctor that he had been feeling unwell since the previous day.

12. He told her that he used to live in Spain.

13. She said that she might start a new course in September.

14. The student told him that he must finish that assignment by the next day.

15. She said that she could meet me at 3 PM.

16. The driver said that they should have taken a different route.

17. He told me that he would like to visit Japan one day.

18. She told them that she had never seen such a beautiful sunset.

19. He said that he might go for a hike if the weather was nice.

20. They said that they had not understood the instructions