Respuesta :

1. I am studying for my exam.
2. You are watching TV.
3. He is working on a project.
4. She is singing in the choir.
5. It is raining outside.
6. We are going for a walk.
7. You are cooking dinner.
8. They are playing football.
9. The book is lying on the table.
10. The children are running in the park.
11. The cat is sleeping on the bed.
12. The flowers are blooming in the garden.
13. The students are studying in the library.
14. The car is parked in the driveway.
15. The birds are chirping in the trees.
16. The dog is barking at the mailman.
17. The workers are building a new house.
18. The sun is shining brightly in the sky.
19. The baby is crying in her crib.
20. The clock is ticking on the wall.
21. The teacher is writing on the whiteboard.
22. The computer is running slowly.
23. The engine is idling in the car.
24. The kettle is boiling on the stove.
25. The rain is falling gently outside.