Form a group of four members and require each member to have the materials needed. Follow the given procedure. Materials: 4 pieces of short bond paper, pencil, ruler, adhesive tape, protractor, and pair of scissors Procedure: 1. Each member of the group shall draw and cut a different kind of triangle out of a bond paper. (equilateral triangle, right triangle, obtuse triangle, and acute triangle that is not equiangular) 2. Choose a third side of a triangle. Mark each midpoint of the other two sides then connect the midpoints to form a segment. Does the segment drawn look parallel to the third side of the triangle you chose? 3. Measure the segment drawn and the third side you chose. Compare the lengths of the segments drawn and the third side you chose. What did you observe? 4. Cut the triangle along the segment drawn. What two figures are formed after cutting the triangle along the segment drawn? 5. Use an adhesive tape to reconnect the triangle with the other figure in such a way that their common vertex was a midpoint and that congruent segments formed by a midpoint coincide. After reconnecting the cutouts, what new figure is formed? Why? Make a conjecture to justify the new figure formed after doing the above activity. Explain your answer. What can you say about your findings in relation to those of your classmates? Do you think that the findings apply to all kinds of triangles? Why?​

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necesito lo mismo, ayudaaa