Respuesta :


1. Families in almost every country are changing.

2. In the past, many people lived in extended families.

3. Fifty to a hundred people lived together in a group of houses.

4. These were all family members - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, children, and grandchildren.

5. But now this traditional family is breaking into smaller groups.

6. Now there are more single-parent families.

7. Now most families are nuclear families.

8. They have new problems.

9. Many married women are alone because their husbands are almost never home.

10. The traditional nuclear family has changed.


1. Families in almost every country are changing.

2. In the past, many people lived in extended families.

3. Fifty to a hundred people lived together in a group of houses.

4. These were all family members - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, children, and grandchildren.

5. But now this traditional family is breaking into smaller groups.

6. Now there are more single-parent families.

7. Now most families are nuclear families.

8. They have new problems.

9. Many married women are alone because their husbands are almost never home.

10. The traditional nuclear family has changed.

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