Respuesta :


Okay, let's start by substituting the given values of x and y into the expression 2/3x³ - 5/4y³ - 2.

First, substitute x = -1/2 and y = 1/3 into the expression:

2/3(-1/2)³ - 5/4(1/3)³ - 2

Now, let's simplify each part step by step:

First, calculate (-1/2)³:

(-1/2)³ = (-1)^3 / (2)^3

= -1 / 8

Now, substitute this value back into the expression:

2/3 * (-1/8) - 5/4 * (1/27) - 2

Next, simplify (-1/8) and (1/27):

2 * (-1/24) - 5/4 * (1/27) - 2

= -2/24 - 5/108 - 2

Now, simplify the fractions:

-1/12 - 5/108 - 2

To combine the fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 12 and 108 is 108.

Rewrite -1/12 as an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 108:

-9/108 - 5/108 - 2

Combine the fractions:

-9/108 - 5/108 - 216/108

= (-9 - 5 -216)/108

= -230 /108

Finally, simplify the fraction:

-230 /108 = -115 /54

So, when x = -1/2 and y = 1/3, the value of the expression 2/3x³ - 5/4y³ - 2 is equal to -115 /54.

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