Completa las frases con la forma correcta de be o un adjetivo posesivo
I ___________not Marg's sister. She's my roommate.
Maria is 16 and_________brother is 18.
My classmates_________all from Guatemala or Mexico.
________your friend Wang from Beijing or Hong Kong?
Jack's close friend's name________José; it's Miguel!
Is this_____umbrella, Tina?
We are classmates.________names are Glenda, Jill, and Tomas.
No! My brother and I are Colombian, so we_______Mexican.

Respuesta :


Claro, aquí están las frases completadas:

- I am not Marg's sister. She's my roommate.

- Maria is 16 and her brother is 18.

- My classmates are all from Guatemala or Mexico.

- Is your friend Wang from Beijing or Hong Kong?

- Jack's close friend's name is José; it's Miguel!

- Is this your umbrella, Tina?

- We are classmates. Our names are Glenda, Jill, and Tomas.

- No! My brother and I are Colombian, so we are not Mexican.


I am not Marg's sister. She's my roommate.

Maria is 16 and her brother is 18.

My classmates are all from Guatemala or Mexico.

Is your friend Wang from Beijing or Hong Kong?

Jack's close friend's name is José; it's Miguel!

Is this your umbrella, Tina?

We are classmates. Our names are Glenda, Jill, and Tomas.

No! My brother and I are Colombian, so we are not Mexican.