Respuesta :



1. Ayer, no desperté con el despertador.

2. Anoche, no escuché la radio en la cama.

3. El espejo no reflejó nada cuando lo miré.

4. No encontré mi ropa en el vestidor.

5. El somier no estaba en la habitación.

6. No había colchón en la cama.

7. Los cajones no estaban organizados.

8. Las persianas no se cerraron anoche.

9. La mesa de noche no estaba al lado de la cama.


1. Yesterday, I didn't wake up with the alarm clock.

2. Last night, I didn't listen to the radio in bed.

3. The mirror didn't reflect anything when I looked at it.

4. I didn't find my clothes in the dressing room.

5. The bed base was not in the room.

6. There was no mattress on the bed.

7. The drawers were not organized.

8. The blinds were not closed last night.

9. The nightstand was not next to the bed.