
29. What are two trends in college students’ lives in Peru? (Use quantity expressions)
30. I want to travel to the jungle with my two high-school friends next summer. We are 15 years old. (Disagree strongly)
31. I have an important job interview tomorrow. (Give advice)
32. Describe your neighborhood. (Use modifiers)
33. You have an exam today and you forgot to study. (Make a prediction)
34. Will your father start his own business after he retires? (Express certainty)
35. I’ve just got divorced. (Respond to the bad news and offer help)

Respuesta :


29. Two trends in college students' lives in Peru include an increasing number of students studying abroad and a growing interest in entrepreneurial endeavors.

30. I strongly disagree with your plan to travel to the jungle at such a young age without proper supervision. It could be dangerous.

31. Make sure to research the company thoroughly, practice common interview questions, and dress professionally. Good luck!

32. My neighborhood is predominantly residential with tree-lined streets, well-maintained homes, and a strong sense of community.

33. If you forgot to study for the exam, it's likely that you'll struggle with it. However, try your best to focus and answer the questions to the best of your ability.

34. Yes, I'm certain that my father will start his own business after he retires. He's been talking about it for years and has already made plans for it.

35. I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. If you need someone to talk to or any assistance during this difficult time, please don't hesitate to reach out.