My speciad birthday meal For my last birthday, my family took me to a lovely restaurant for a special meal. There were seven of us: my mum and dad, my brother and sister and my grandma and grandad. We all had three courses. For my starter I had prawns in garlic. For my main course I had steak and for dessert, I ordered ice cream. It was delicious. We all had an excellent meal. The waiters were very good and very polite. They brought us our drinks on time and they smiled a lot. We had a great evening. Then, they found out it was my birthday! They sang Happy birthday to you' and everyone in the restaurant joined in. I felt so happy! After that, a waiter brought a huge birthday cake, with candles on it. I blew the candles out. Then the waiter took the cake back into the kitchen and cut it into pieces. He returned and offered everyone in the restaurant a piece of cake. Everybody took a piece. I thought it was a very nice touch. At the end of the evening, my dad paid the bill and we left. However, my dad did not look happy. Later, he told me why he was unhappy. The cost of the cake was added to the bill! He paid £20 for a cake he did not ask for! Eventually, we saw the funny side and we had a good laugh. By Harry, aged 16​

Respuesta :


It sounds like you had a memorable birthday celebration at the restaurant! From the prawns in garlic to the steak and ice cream, it seems like a delicious meal. The surprise birthday cake and the singing must have been a delightful moment for you. However, I can understand why your dad was a bit unhappy about the unexpected charge for the cake. It's good that you were able to see the funny side of it and share a laugh together. Overall, it sounds like a wonderful evening with your family!