Respuesta :


1. Identify problems and opportunities: The first step is to identify the problems or opportunities that motivated the data collection. What specific questions or challenges does the organization need to address? This will help focus the analysis of the data collected.

2. Set goals: Once the problems or opportunities have been identified, it is crucial to set clear goals. What do you hope to achieve with the data collected? Goals may include improving efficiency, making informed decisions, or solving specific problems.

3. Data cleaning and organization: Before analyzing data, it is critical to clean and organize it. This will improve accuracy and facilitate evaluation.

4. Data analysis and interpretation: This is where statistical analysis comes into play. Use statistical methods to calculate summary measures, identify correlations between variables, and perform hypothesis testing.

5. Decision making: Finally, with the data cleaned and analyzed, the organization can make informed decisions. These decisions can affect business strategies, internal processes or any other relevant aspect.


In short, data capture and collection are just the beginning. The real value lies in how that data is used and analyzed to drive organizational growth and efficiency.