Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps. Not all the words are necessary. Example: is - are - name - who What is your name? 1. movies- went - outside - help - didn't - like - jump They go to the , they to the park. 2. play - town - liked - had - breakfast - smile - flowers I a delicious in the new restaurant in . 3. tomorrow - yesterday - seem - friends - weren't - saw They the children I running past my house . 4. had - as - too - did - omelet - into - for - like Where you find the recipe this mushroom ? 5. went - did - want - clean - can - tomorrow - every We go swimming Monday if you to.

Respuesta :


1. movies - went - outside

2. had - breakfast - town

3. saw - yesterday

4. did - like - omelet

5. want - can - every

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