Respuesta :

En la primera pide escribir una oración que continúe las que ya están ahí, y que la escribas usando las palabras o expresiones que te pusieron. En la segunda por ejemplo, dice "That dog scares me" (ese perro me asusta) y una palabra que queda es "threatening" (amenazante). Por lo que puedes inventar una oración que sea lógica a la anterior. Por ejemplo, "ese perro me asusta. se ve amenazante"

Aquí están respuestas que a mi parecer le quedan:

1. If I were you, I wouldn't invest money on his business.

It's a risky venture.

2. That dog scares me.

It looks threatening.

3. She immediately jumped into the river to rescue the boy.

She didn't hesitate.

4. The other group is way ahead of us.

We need to speed up.

5. I'm going to call the police about that man over there.

He looks suspicious.

6. I don't need your help.

I can deal with it.

En la segunda es algo parecido, solo que tienes que usar las palabras que pusieron en negritas como referencia para tus oraciones.

1. You should slow down. You're going too fast.

2. I can't bear seeing films that have too much blood.

3. It's hazardous to hike at night because of unknown animals.

4. We thought we were on the train to Madrid, but we ended up in Toledo.

5. She's not a cautious driver. She should let me drive instead.

6. I'm tempted to buy these shoes, but they are way too expensive.

7. She's not enthusiastic about going out tonight because she took extra hours at work and just wants to relax.

Espero se entienda y te vaya bien!