Date: Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative). Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a 1 This is a nice cat. It's faster car. than my friend's cat. 2 Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is 3 Lucy is clever, but Carol is than Lucy. We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even bevetime. 5 He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the 6 School is boring, but homework is 7 This magazine is cheap, but that one is hobby in the world! than school. bad 8 We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even 9 Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is 10 Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the heard. 11 My father is heavy. My uncle is much 12 My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is 13 Amy has a beautiful baby, but my sister has the 4 I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a 5 Florida is sunny. Do you know the. than ours. than skateboarding. joke I've ever than my father. than my mother's. baby on ear family. place in the USA?​

Respuesta :


1 This is a nice cat. It's **nicer** than my friend's cat.

2 Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is **older** than Emily.

3 Lucy is clever, but Carol is **cleverer** than Lucy.

4 We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even **less** time.

5 He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the **most interesting** hobby in the world!

6 School is boring, but homework is **worse**.

7 This magazine is cheap, but that one is **cheaper**.

8 We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even **smaller**.

9 Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is **more dangerous**.

10 Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the **funniest** I've ever heard.

11 My father is heavy. My uncle is much **heavier**.

12 My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is **softer**.

13 Amy has a beautiful baby, but my sister has the **most beautiful** baby in our family.

14 I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a **larger** place in the USA.

15 Florida is sunny. Do you know the **sunniest** place in the USA?