Respuesta :

Respuesta: Gender-based violence refers to harmful acts directed at an individual or group of individuals based on their gender. It encompasses various forms of violence, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse, which are often rooted in unequal power dynamics between men and women.

Common examples of gender-based violence include domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment, forced marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), and honor killings, among others.

Gender-based violence is a pervasive issue worldwide, affecting people of all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and identities. It not only inflicts immediate harm but also has long-term consequences for survivors, including physical and mental health issues, social isolation, and economic insecurity.

Efforts to address gender-based violence involve legislative measures, advocacy for gender equality, providing support services for survivors, promoting education and awareness, and challenging harmful gender norms and stereotypes. Ending gender-based violence requires a multi-faceted approach involving individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations.


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