Respuesta :




A: What sports do you like to watch?

B: Soccer. It's my favorite!

A: When do you usually watch soccer?

B: On Sunday afternoons.

A: And where do you usually watch it?At home?

A: No, at my friend's house. He has a really big TV!


A: When do you go bike riding?

B: Oh, about once a month.

A: I love to go bike riding. I go every Saturday.

B: Really? What time do you go?

A: Usually at about one o'clock.

B: Oh, yeah? Who do you usually go with?

A: My sister. Come with us next time!


A: Who do you usually play with?

B: I usually play with my sister and some friends.

A: When do you practice?

B: We practice on Saturdays.

A: What time do you start?

B: We start at about noon.

A: Where do you usually play?

B: We usually play in our yard, but sometimes we play at the beach.

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