Complete the mini-dialogues with do or does. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 A:... Jimmy talk to his friends on the phone? B: No, he chats with them online. 2 A: How ... you make videos? B: I use the camera on my phone. 3 A: What... your sister do at weekends? B: She reads magazines and watches TV. 4 A: ... the girls do sport? B: Yes, they ride bikes. 5 A: When... your mother and father go to work? B: They usually leave home at 7.30.​

Respuesta :


1. A: Does Jimmy talk to his friends on the phone?

B: No, he chats with them online.

2. A: How do you make videos?

B: I use the camera on my phone.

3. A: What does your sister do at weekends?

B: She reads magazines and watches TV.

4. A: Do the girls do sport?

B: Yes, they ride bikes.

5. A: When do your mother and father go to work?

B: They usually leave home at 7.30.