
Ordena de forma correcta los siguientes párrafos del 1 a 6
A. (. ) To sum up, planting more trees provides not just new habitats for wildlife – it also helps reduce carbon dioxide levels and can reduce flood risk. We are going to work with nature to protect communities from flooding, slowing rivers and creating and sustaining more wetlands to reduce flood risk and offer valuable habitats.

B. (. ) On the other hand, most of our land is used, however, for agriculture not housing. The new system of support that we are going to bring in for farmers – true friends of the earth, who recognize that a care for land is crucial to future rural prosperity is going to have environmental enhancement at its heart. We are going to support farmers to turn over fields to meadows rich in herbs and wildflowers, plant more trees, restore habitats for endangered species, recover soil fertility and attract wildlife back. We will ensure broader landscapes are transformed by connecting habitats into larger corridors for wildlife, as recommended by Sir John Lawton in his official review. Our plan for a new Northern Forest, to which we are contributing more than £5 million, is going to be accompanied by a new review of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

C. (. ) Our natural environment is our most precious inheritance. The United Kingdom is blessed with a wonderful variety of natural landscapes and habitats and our 25 Year Environment Plan sets out our comprehensive and long-term approach to protecting and enhancing them in England for the next generation. Its goals are simple: cleaner air and water; plants and animals which are thriving; and a cleaner, greener country for us all.

D. ( ) ( ) Finally, internationally, we will lead the fight against climate change and invest to prevent wildlife crime. These actions will, we hope, ensure that this country is recognized as the leading global champion of a greener, healthier, more sustainable future for the next generation.

E. (. ) Having said that, this is a national plan of action. The Plan outlines ways to reduce the use of plastics that contribute to pollution, and broader steps to encourage recycling and the more thoughtful use of resources. Over the lifetime of this Plan, we want to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste. The Government's Clean Growth Strategy is going to do what is necessary to adapt to the effects of a changing climate; we are going to improve the resilience of our infrastructure, housing and natural environment. We promise population growth and economic development will mean more demand for housing and this Government is committed to building many more homes. However, we will ensure that we support development and the environment by embedding the principle that new development should result in net environmental gain – with neglected or degraded land returned to health and habitats for wildlife restored or created.

F. (. ) First, by using our land more sustainably and creating new habitats for wildlife, we think we will arrest the decline in native species and improve our biodiversity. Connecting more people with the environment will promote greater well-being. And by making the most of emerging technologies, we can build a cleaner, greener country and reap the economic rewards of the clean growth revolution.

Respuesta :

El orden correcto de los párrafos del 25 Year Environment Plan es:

C. (. ) Our natural environment is our most precious inheritance...

F. (. ) First, by using our land more sustainably...

B. (. ) On the other hand, most of our land...

E. (. ) Having said that, this is a national plan of action...

A. (. ) To sum up, planting more trees provides not just...

D. ( ) ( ) Finally, internationally, we will lead the fight...

Aquí está la explicación del orden:

El párrafo C es la introducción, ya que presenta el plan y sus objetivos.

El párrafo F detalla el primer punto del plan: uso sostenible de la tierra y creación de hábitats.

El párrafo B se centra en las medidas para los agricultores, que son clave para el uso sostenible de la tierra.

El párrafo E aborda otros puntos del plan, como la reducción de plásticos y la adaptación al cambio climático.

El párrafo A complementa el punto sobre la creación de hábitats.

El párrafo D concluye el plan hablando de liderazgo internacional y futuro sostenible.