DD MM AA 9.I'm waints. lo look. Im lokin 12 Are you good the Postman Arsue that Pinture! But beautifull mary is she here? mats? 13 this book is foll Useful informations. 14 Are you interesed history? Is Jou are sorgth I agree 16 my brother works ____ 117 Can I espeak- 18 I'm afraid dogs. Bancolombia Jou for a minute?​

Respuesta :


Parece que algunas de las oraciones están incompletas o tienen errores gramaticales. Aquí está la corrección:

9. I'm waiting.

10. I'm looking.

12. Are you good at painting?

13. This book is full of useful information.

14. Are you interested in history?

16. My brother works hard.

17. Can I speak?

18. I'm afraid of dogs.

19. Can you wait for a minute, Bancolombia?