2.2. Completa / Complete 1. We are in the park. 2. David is not happy. (negative) 3. are you Spanish? 4. My brother and I are not 5. Peter and Mark are at home. (negative) brothers. 6. The cat 18 on the table. 7. It 18 a very nice day. 8. 9. It S Am not 13, 1 am 14. (negative) 10. We Are 11. Am 12. I 13. They 8 o'clock. good friends= he your friend? a student. I study every day. my cousin in the school? 14. Are 15. He a teacher​

Respuesta :

2. David is not unhappy.

4. My brother and I are not Spanish.

5. Peter and Mark are not at home.

6. The cat is on the table.

7. It is a very nice day.

8. Are they good friends?

9. Is he your friend?

10. We are not students.

11. Am I a student?

12. I study every day.

13. Is my cousin in the school?

14. Are they friends?

15. Is he a teacher?