Complete the conversation. Write questions or answer in the present perfect. Use already yet , ever or before Completar la conversación. Escribir preguntas o responder en el presente perfecto. Usar ya, siempre o antes

Respuesta :


Certainly! Let’s complete the conversation using the present perfect tense. Here are some questions and answers:

Question: Have you ever traveled to Europe?

Answer: Yes, I have already been to Europe.

Question: Have you finished reading that book?

Answer: Not yet, I haven’t finished it.

Question: Have you visited the Louvre Museum in Paris?

Answer: No, I haven’t been there before.

Question: Have you tried sushi?

Answer: Yes, I have tried sushi, and I love it!

Question: Have you met any famous celebrities?

Answer: Not yet, I haven’t met any celebrities.

Feel free to continue the conversation or ask more questions!