Respuesta :

  • Question: How much is a loaf of bread?

Answer: A loaf of bread costs $2.

  • Question: How much does a movie ticket cost?

Answer: A movie ticket costs $10.

  • Question: How much is a cup of coffee?

Answer: A cup of coffee costs $3.

  • Question: How much does a hamburger cost?

Answer: A hamburger costs $5.

  • Question: How much is a bottle of water?

Answer: A bottle of water costs $1.

  • Question: How much does a bus ticket cost?

Answer: A bus ticket costs $2.50.

  • Question: How much is a gallon of milk?

Answer: A gallon of milk costs $3.50.

  • Question: How much does a sandwich cost?

Answer: A sandwich costs $6.

  • Question: How much is a slice of pizza?

Answer: A slice of pizza costs $2.50.

  • Question: How much does a magazine cost?

Answer: A magazine costs $4.

  • Question: How much is a box of chocolates?

Answer: A box of chocolates costs $8.

  • Question: How much does a dozen eggs cost?

Answer: A dozen eggs cost $2.50.

La anterior respuesta es la correcta

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