Respuesta :


8 puntos es muy poco

Alguien te respondió pero sin darte una solución ajajajaj asi que acá está. Me re ayudas dandome estrellitas o coronita!

1. What are you going to do tomorrow? - I'm going to study for the exam.

2. Who is going to cook dinner tonight? - My mom is going to cook dinner.

3. Where are you going to go on vacation this summer? - We're going to the beach.

4. When are you going to finish your project? - I'm going to finish it this week.

5. Why are you going to buy a new phone? - Because mine is broken.

6. How much is the car repair going to cost? - It's going to cost a lot of money.

7. How many books are you going to read this month? - I'm going to read three books.

8. How are you going to celebrate your birthday? - I'm going to have a party at home.

9. What is going to be your next trip? - We're going to the mountains.

10. How many people are going to come to the meeting? - About ten people are going to come.

Otras preguntas