Respuesta :


The bandeja paisa is a traditional Colombian dish that typically consists of several ingredients served on a large platter. Here's how you can categorize the ingredients into the five main food groups:

1. **Proteins:**

- Carne asada (grilled steak)

- Chicharrón (fried pork belly)

- Huevo frito (fried egg)

2. **Carbohydrates:**

- Arroz (rice)

- Arepa (cornmeal flatbread)

3. **Vegetables:**

- Aguacate (avocado)

- Plátano maduro (fried ripe plantain)

- Tomate (tomato)

4. **Legumes:**

- Frijoles (beans)

5. **Dairy:**

- Hogao (tomato and onion sauce)

- Queso fresco (fresh cheese)

- Crema (cream)

This dish is known for its hearty portions and diverse flavors, making it a staple in Colombian cuisine.


1. Rice

2. Red beans

3. Chicharrón (crispy fried pork belly)

4. Ground beef or carne asada

5. Fried egg