Respuesta :


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Dear Diary,

As I lay here in the quiet of the night, surrounded by darkness and dreams, I can't help but ponder the circumstances of my life. The world outside is tumultuous, filled with voices raised in protest, demanding justice and equality. But here, in my small corner of the world, all is calm, all is still.

I am just a boy, innocent and unaware of the struggles that await me when I wake. In my dreams, I am free to soar, to be anything I want to be. But when I open my eyes, I am reminded of the reality of my existence.

I am a black boy in a world that often sees me as a threat, as less than equal. I am judged not by the content of my character, but by the color of my skin. It is a heavy burden to bear, even in sleep.

But despite it all, I am hopeful. I believe in a future where my race will not define me, where I can live without fear or prejudice. I believe that change is possible, that one day, I will wake to a world that sees me for who I truly am.

Until that day comes, I will continue to dream, to hope, and to sleep, knowing that even in the darkest of nights, there is always a glimmer of light.

Goodnight, Diary

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