1) "It took me days to finish packing", "Why didn't you tell me before?

I_______helped you!"

a) Would b) will be c) would have d) I could

2) This chest of drawers is very old. It_________ at least 200 years old.

a) must be made b) must be c) can't be d) Will have be

3) She did really badly in her test! She_________much!

a) must study b) can study c) cant’t heve studied

d) shouldn’t have studied

4) I love your cooking! _______ I have a second helping of your cake?

a) Will b) Should c) May d)Do

5) I asked my brother to help me but he_______

a) hadn't b) can c) Will d) wouldn't

6) Last year, they_____________to renovate the interior of their house in just couple of weeks.

a) could b) have c)were able d) will be able

7) Where_____________have my mobile serviced?

a) should I b) may I c) might I d) need I

8) "My daughter got a silver medal in the last race."

"You______________really proud of her!"

a) can't be b) have to be c) could be d) must be

Respuesta :



Here are the answers with explanations:

1) c) would have

This is using the past unreal conditional to express something that could have happened but didn't. "I would have helped you if you had told me before."

2) b) must be

"Must be" expresses logical deduction about the present state based on available evidence. Since the chest is very old, the logical conclusion is that it must be at least 200 years old.

3) a) must study

"Must" expresses necessity or obligation. Since she did badly on the test, the implication is that she must study more.

4) c) May

"May" is used to politely ask for permission. Asking "May I have a second helping?" is a polite way to request more food.

5) d) wouldn't  

This is the past tense of "will not", expressing the brother's refusal or lack of willingness to help in the past.

6) b) were able

"Were able" describes their capability or ability to renovate the house quickly last year.

7) a) should I

"Should" asks for advice or the recommended way to do something. The question asks where one should get their mobile serviced.

8) d) must be

"Must be" expresses a logical conclusion based on evidence. Getting a silver medal implies they must be really proud of her achievement.

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